Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Multitasking at its best

It's amazing what you can do when you do several things at once. We spent the majority of the morning packing our clothes and I am trying to make sure all the laundry gets done that they want to get done. Maggie decided tonight that she wanted to wear a certain shirt tomorrow and could I please have it washed and ready to pack in her suitcase. "Um, no. Why don't you wear something else and go ahead and pack it." "Oh...okay."

It is nice to check things off my "to-do" list. I think I am down to 2 and those can be done tomorrow. Why is it such a sense of accomplishment knowing you can check things off. I think I'm going to start making one every day.

1. Get out of bed
2. Brush my teeth
3. Drink lots of coffee
4. Put on clothes
5. Back out of driveway.
6. Work out (easy one for's my job)
You get the idea. Make it virtually impossible not to get it all done. How nice would that be? Actually, probably pretty stressful. Making the list would cause me to leave something out. My luck I'd forget to go to the bathroom, then I'd be (as my mom says), in a mell of a hess. Think about that one...

Let's do this again tomorrow, okay?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Surcharges may apply

Okay, seriously - ONE bag each? Does my husband not realize he lives with 3 females? I get that he can travel for 2 weeks in Europe with one suitcase, but I also realize that it is ONLY during those 2 weeks that I actually get caught up on laundry. Hmmm...what is wrong with this picture?
One bag per person will not cut it. Especially when it will be 70's and 80's during the day and 40's at night. (I know...doesn't that sound heavenly??) We will figure it out, I'm sure, but I guarantee that the Shearon women will prevail.

I'm a little concerned about the remnants of TS Alex and the rain it will bring to Texas as we are driving through. Maybe it will have dissipated enough that we will still have a wonderful 4th of July in Albequerque. The girls think we might see Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez, but I had to break the news that East High isn't a real place and certainly isn't really in New Mexico.

I got the car serviced today and is all ready to hit the road. When I listed all the things I needed checked, I ended by saying, "And whatever else you deem necessary, since we will be putting 5-7000 miles on it over the next 3 weeks." Can you imagine the double take? "Yes, that's what I said. 5-7000." the car...with my family...around the world...vacation...rock on.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Holiday Ro-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh...

Okay, I'm finally starting to get excited about this vacation. I think we all are, actually. As far as the girls are concerned, this was all part of the plan - to avoid to oil spill and all. My biggest concern now is of course, the packing. We will encounter all kinds of weather that is 180* different from the summer we are having here. I'll just be glad to wear blue jeans and cowboy boots. Of course, I'm always ready for shorts in the winter, too. You know - it's that grass is always greener thing.

So, I'm happy to be able to document our vacation of 2010. It will be interesting, to say the least. It will be a true test of our familial relations and my patience with the rest of my family. I've been praying for a peaceful car for weeks. Let's hope it happens.

I'm mostly looking forward to seeing a part of God's amazing creation that I've never seen before. So glad you can join me...